The photovoltaic shades and landscaping programme
A project to keep a close eye on

A surface area of more than 13 hectares in the car parks – i.e. the equivalent of 19 football pitches – will be covered by photovolt aic shades, which will be installed between the end of March and the end of December 2024. In the autumn, more than 8,000 plants and flowers will be planted, providing visitors with a warmer, more eco-friendly welcome to the exhibition centre.
With the installation of 80 sets of photovoltaic shades, which have been carefully designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and technically efficient, Eurexpo Lyon is contributing to the production of green energy in France. The energy produced will be fed back into the grid at a regional level. While initially part of a regulatory requirement, this initiative is being fully supported by the GL events Group, which will complete the installations well ahead of the deadline, thanks to an investment of €16 million.