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An ESG approach for today’s and tomorrow’s events


Lyon events' venues have been committed to an environmental approach for several years. In line with the CSR policy of the GL events Group, we aim to strengthen this commitment by considering all aspects of sustainable development, reducing our carbon footprint, participating in the circular economy, and promoting local territory and diversity.


Building on this existing foundation, we are aware of the ecological impact of events and are determined to reduce it. But we are also convinced that when people come together, it creates fundamental social value for our societies that are increasingly lacking connection. Beyond regulatory requirements, we want to share our values of kindness and solidarity around a destination that is respectful of the environment.


Our project is part of an inclusive social and societal approach, taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders (clients, employees, local authorities, suppliers, etc.).


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Certified ISO 20121, the Lyon Convention Centre, Eurexpo Lyon, and La Sucrière are committed to a proactive approach. Convinced that this ambition is an opportunity to enhance our collective performance by giving meaning to our missions, we invite each of you to become a key player in this challenge and contribute to building a sustainable future for the next generations.


For their CSR approach and ESG criteria, Lyon events venues implement concrete actions:

  • Water fountains: Water fountains have been installed in our venues to eliminate plastic bottles. This eco-friendly solution is part of the CSR approach implemented by the GL events Group and anticipates regulatory requirements for public establishments. These fountains, connected to the Lyon Metropolis water network, provide temperate water in a self-service manner. The ambition of this environmental initiative is also to involve professionals and the public in a collective responsible approach that benefits future generations. Beyond any regulatory requirements, which our infrastructures already meet, this initiative reflects the commitment of our teams.

  • Glass bottles: At the Lyon Convention Centre, since 2019, we have replaced plastic water bottles with locally sourced, reusable glass bottles. 50,000 plastic bottles per year are eliminated.

  • Reusable cups and water bottles: To minimize the use of plastic bottles and cardboard cups, the Lyon Convention Centre offers reusable cups and water bottles. Initially, ecocups are used for spectators at L’Amphithéâtre 3000 to reduce waste. The cups and water bottles are also offered to our clients and visitors attending exhibitions and conventions held on site.

  • Waste management: For over two years, Eurexpo Lyon has been the Group's venue that recycles the most furniture waste, thanks to its partnership with the eco-organization Valdelia. Additionally, a new partnership with Elise for office waste management will have a dual impact by improving sorting and promoting social inclusion. Furthermore, the Lyon Convention Centre collected and sorted over 12.9 tons of bio-waste in 2023, a figure that has been steadily increasing since 2018. This bio-waste is collected by our partner, the AIDEN association. The waste is composted and then used in vegetable production at the Abbé Rozier farm. The farming is carried out by people in reintegration programs. The harvested vegetables are then sold at solidarity markets. Our catering partner, Magner, sources from the AIDEN association for its services at the Lyon Convention Centre.

    As a reminder: 'The landfilling of bio-waste is a source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: the compaction of waste also causes the fermentation of food waste in an oxygen-free environment, creating favorable conditions for methane emissions into the atmosphere. Conversely, organic recovery through composting, spreading, or methanization allows organic matter to return to the soil or to be transformed into a valuable material, compost or digestate, suited to the agronomic needs of the soil.' (07/05/2022 – from

  • Food redistribution: In 2023, more than 17,000 meals were redistributed to three partner organizations: the Fédération de l’Armée du salut, Les Amis de Tous (part of the Little Brothers of the Poor Federation), and the Association Le Chainon Manquant. We ask all our clients to count their participants before 11:00 a.m. so that we can set aside ordered but unused food. The meals are then redistributed in good hygienic and sanitary conditions, respecting the cold chain.

  • Distributed show tickets: At the Lyon Convention Centre, a cultural partnership has been created with several associations. In 2023, nearly 170 show tickets were distributed to associations such as Secours Populaire, Association Le Chainon Manquant, and  l’Armée du salut. Single-parent families and volunteers are given priority so that they can also enjoy the joys of the performances. This allows us to thank them for their actions throughout the year, without which these associations could not exist.


All teams at Lyon events venues are mobilised with a focus on continuous improvement. We encourage each of us to become a key player for a sustainable future.